Ecomic of Push-Pull


Farmers’ perception on the importance of Push-Pull technology in addressing their farming needs and challenges has a potential effect on its adoption. The project has undertaken studies to elucidate farmers’ perceptions on Push-Pull technology as a strategy in the control of Striga weed and stemborers. In general, the findings have shown that practicing farmers rate the technology highly as effective in increasing cereal yields, controlling Striga and stemborers, increasing fodder production, improving soil fertility, soil and moisture conservation and reducing labour and long term cost for weeding. The technology has also increased farmers’ levels of knowledge and information on the biology of pests and weeds, increased networking among themselves and with extension and research centres for new information on farming activities. However, farmers are faced with a few challenges such as; shortage of desmodium seeds attributed due to huge demand for the seeds; lack of regular monitoring and evaluation as a result of the vastness of the geographical coverage as well as limited resources for dissemination of the technology.

Khan et al., 2008 b; Khan et al., 2008 c; Kalule et al., 2006

Our Goal
“To end hunger and poverty for 10 million people by extending Push-Pull technology to 1 million households in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030”, Zeyaur Khan, Coordinator, Push-Pull Programme
Push-pull farmers