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Scientific Publications

  1. A. Liepa, M. Thiel, H. Taubenböck, D. Klein, I. Steffan-Dewenter, M. Peters, S. Schönbrodt-Stitt, I. Otte, T. Landmann, Z. Khan, M. Obondo, F. Chidawanyika, E. Martin, and T. Ullmann (2025) Earth observations reveal impacts of climate variability on maize cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa GIScience and Remote Sensing, 62 (1): 19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15481603.2025.2476248.
  2. Mubayiwa, M., Machekano, H., Mvumi, B., Opio, W.A., Segaiso, B., Chidawanyika, F., Nyamukondiwa, C. (2025) Thermal performance drifts between the egg parasitoid Telenomus remus and the fall armyworm may threaten the efficacy of biological control under climate change. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata DOI: 10.1111/eea.13557.
  3. Onjura, C.O., Peter, E., Asudi, G.O., Gicheru, M. M., Mohamed, S. A., Bruce, T.J.A.,Tamiru, A., (2025) Differential Responses of the Egg-Larval Parasitoid Chelonus Bifoveolatus To Fall Armyworm-Induced and Constitutive Volatiles of Diverse Maize Genotypes. J Chem Ecol 51, 34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-025-01585-3
  4. Omuse, E.R., Machekano, H., Sokame, B.M., Mutyambai, D.M., Dubois, T., Subramanian, S., Chidawanyika, F. (2025) One Health interventions and challenges under rural African smallholder farmer settings:One Health.100959 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2024.100959
  5. Waiswa, D., Muriithi, B.W., Murage, A.W., Ireri, D.M., Maina, F., Chidawanyika, F., Yavuz, F. (2024) The role of social-psychological factors in the adoption of push-pull technology by small-scale farmers in East Africa. Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Heliyon e41449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e41449.
  6. Chidawanyika, F., Omuse, E.R., Agutu, L.O., Pittchar, J.O., Nyagol, D.& Khan, Z.R. (2025). An intensified cereal push-pull system reduces pest infestation and confers yield advantages in high-value vegetables. Crop Health 77: 40.
  7. Mutyambai, D. M., Mutua, J. M., Jalloh, A. A., Niassy, S., Dubois, T., Khan, Z., & Subramanian, S. (2024). Push-pull cropping system positively impacts diversity and abundance of springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) as bioindicators of soil health. European Journal of Soil Biology, 122, 103657.
  8. Bass, E., Mutyambai, D. M., Midega, C. A., Khan, Z. R., & Kessler, A. (2024). Associational effects of Desmodium intercropping on maize resistance and secondary metabolism. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1-20.
  9. Jalloh, A.A., Yusuf, A.A., Khamis, F., Subramanian, S. and Mutyambai, D.M. (2024). Long-term push-pull cropping system shifts soil and maize-root microbiome diversity paving way to resilient farming system. BMC microbiology https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-024-03238-z
  10. Jalloh, A. A., Mutyambai, D. M., Yusuf, A. A., Subramanian, S., & Khamis, F. (2024). Maize edible-legumes intercropping systems for enhancing agrobiodiversity and belowground ecosystem services. Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-64138-w
  11. Kidoido, M.M.; Agboka, K.M.; Chidawanyika, F.; Hailu, G.; Belayneh, Y.; Mutyambai, D.M.; Owino, R.; Kassie, M.; Niassy, S. (2024) Spatial spillover effects of smallholder households’ adoption behaviour of soil management practices among push–pull farmers in Rwanda. Sustainability 16, 10349. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162310349
  12. Mulungu, K., Abro, Z., Niassy, S., Muriithi, B., Picthar, J., Kidoido, M., Subramanian, S., Mohamed, S., Khan, Z., Hailu, G. and Kassie, M., 2024. The economic, social, and environmental impact of ecologically centered integrated pest management practices in East Africa. Journal of Environmental Management, 371, p.123241.
  13. Peter E., Yusuf A., Subramanian S., Krüger K., Karlsson K., Anderson P., Torto B., & Tamiru A., (2024). Crop Mixtures Influence Fall Armyworm Infestation and Natural Enemy Abundance in Maize-based Intercropping Systems. Journal of Crop Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10343-024-01061-0.
  14. Lang, J., Ramos, S.E., Reichert, L., Amboka, G.M., Apel, C., Chidawanyika, F., Detebo, A., Librán-Embid, F., Meinhof, D., Bigler, L. and Schuman, M.C., (2024). Push–Pull Intercropping Increases the Antiherbivore Benzoxazinoid Glycoside Content in Maize Leaf Tissue. ACS agricultural science & technology, 4(10), pp.1074-1082.
  15. Sisay, B., Tamiru, A., Subramanian, S., Weldon, C. W., Khamis, F., Green, K. K., Anderson, P., & Torto, B. (2024). Pheromonal variation and mating between two mitotypes of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Africa. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3848. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53053-9
  16. Adan, I.H., Asudi, G.O., Niassy, S., Jalloh, A.A., Mutua, J.M., Chidawanyika, F., Khamis, F., Khan, Z., Subramanian, S., Dubois, T. and Mutyambai, D.M., (2024). Comparative microbiome diversity in root-nodules of three Desmodium species used in the Push-pull cropping system. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, p.1395811. .
  17. Sisay, B., Subramanian, S., Weldon, C.W., Krüger, K., Khamis, F., Tefera, T., Torto, B. and Tamiru, A., (2024). Evaluation of pheromone lures, trap designs and placement heights for monitoring the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize fields of Kenya. Crop Protection, 176, p.106523.
  18. Mbande, A., Mutamiswa, R., Nyamukondiwa, C. & Chidawanyika F (2023) Contrasting effects of acute heat shock on physiological and ecological performance of the fall armyworm. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 171: 525-534.
  19. Mutamiswa, R., Mbande, A., Nyamukondiwa, C. & Chidawanyika F (2023) Thermal adaptation in Lepidoptera under shifting environments: mechanisms, patterns, and consequences. Phytoparasitica 51, 929–955.
  20. Mbande, A., Mutamiswa, R., Nyamukondiwa, C., & Chidawanyika, F. (2023). Contrasting effects of acute heat shock on physiological and ecological performance of the fall armyworm. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 171(7), 525-534.
  21. Mbande, A., Mutamiswa, R., & Chidawanyika, F. (2023). Thermal tolerance in Spodoptera frugiperda: Influence of age, sex, and mating status. Scientific African, 22, e01911.
  22. Mbande, A., Mutamiswa, R. and Chidawanyika, F., (2023). Ontogenetic responses of physiological fitness in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in response to repeated cold exposure. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 113(4), pp.449-455.
  23. Mubayiwa, M., Machekano, H., Chidawanyika, F., Mvumi, B.M., Segaiso, B. and Nyamukondiwa, C., (2023). Sub-optimal host plants have developmental and thermal fitness costs to the invasive fall armyworm. Frontiers in Insect Science, 3, p.1204278.
  24. Peter, E., Tamiru, A., Sevgan, S., Dubois, T., Kelemu, S., Kruger, K., Torto, B. and Yusuf, A., (2023). Companion crops alter olfactory responses of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and its larval endoparasitoid (Cotesia icipe).Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture , 10(1), p.61.
  25. Sisay, B., Sevgan, S., Weldon, C. W., Krüger, K., Torto, B., & Tamiru, A. (2023). Responses of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) to different host plants: Implications for its management strategy. Pest management science, 79(2), 845-856. 176, p.106523..
  26. Sokame, B.M., Musyoka, B., Mohammed, S.A., Tamiru, A., Bruce, A., Anderson, P., Karlsson Green, K. and Calatayud, P.A., (2023). Cannibalism and intraguild predation involved in the intra-and inter-specific interactions of the invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and lepidopteran maize stemborers.Journal of Pest Science, 96(4), pp.1455-1464.
  27. Ouya, F. O., Pittchar, J. O., Chidawanyika, F., & Khan, Z. R. (2024). Integrating vegetables in push-pull technology: Gendered preferences of smallholder farmers in Western Kenya. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 24(1), 25167-25188.
  28. Mutyambai, D. M., Mutua, J. M., Kessler, A., Jalloh, A. A., Njiru, B. N., Chidawanyika, F., ... & Subramanian, S. (2023). Push-pull cropping system soil legacy alter maize metabolism and fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance through tritrophic interactions. Plant and Soil, 1-13.
  29. Ndayisaba, P. C., Kuyah, S., Midega, C. A. O., Mwangi, P. N., & Khan, Z. R. (2023). Push-pull technology enhances resilience to climate change and prevents land degradation: Perceptions of adopters in western Kenya. Farming System, 1(2), 100020.
  30. Ouya, F. O., Murage, A. W., Pittchar, J. O., Chidawanyika, F., Pickett, J. A., & Khan, Z. R. (2023). Impacts of climate-resilient push–pull technology on farmers’ income in selected counties in Kenya and Tanzania: propensity score matching approach. Agriculture & Food Security, 12(1), 15.
  31. Chidawanyika, F., Muriithi, B., Niassy, S., Ouya, F. O., Pittchar, J. O., Kassie, M., & Khan, Z. R. (2023). Sustainable intensification of vegetable production using the cereal ‘push-pull technology’: benefits and one health implications. Environmental Sustainability, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42398-023-00260-1
  32. Chidawanyika, F., Muriithi, B., Niassy, S., Ouya, F. O., Pittchar, J. O., Kassie, M., & Khan, Z. R. (2023). Sustainable intensification of vegetable production using the cereal ‘push-pull technology’: benefits and one health implications. Environmental Sustainability, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42398-023-00260-1
  33. Luttermoser, T., Khan, Z. R., Midega, C. A. O., Nyagol, D., Jonsson, M., & Poveda, K. (2023). Are pests adapting to the push-pull system? Ecologically intensified farms in Kenya maintain successful pest control over time. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 347, 108345.
  34. Lang, J., Chidawanyika, F., Khan, Z. R., & Schuman, M. C. (2022). Ecological chemistry of pest control in push-pull intercropping systems: What we know, and where to go? CHIMIA, 76(11), 906. https://doi.org/10.2533/chimia.2022.906
  35. Salzberg, A., Luttermoser, T., Kessler, A., Midega, C. A. O., Khan, Z., & Poveda, K. (2022). The effects of landscape complexity and local management on a generalist predator in Kenyan maize push‐pull systems. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. https://doi.org/10.1111/eea.13256
  36. Ratto, F., Bruce, T.J.A., Chipabika, G., Mwamakamba, S., Mkandawire, R., Khan, Z. R., Mkindi, A., Pittchar, J., Chidawanyika, F., Sallu, S.M. and Whitfield, S., (2022). Biological control interventions and botanical pesticides for insect pests of crops in sub-Saharan Africa: A mapping review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6.
  37. Mutamiswa, R., Chikowore, G., Nyamukondiwa, C., Mudereri, B. T., Khan, Z. R., & Chidawanyika, F. (2022). Biogeography of cereal stemborers and their natural enemies: forecasting pest management efficacy under changing climate. Pest Management Science.
  38. Sobhy, I.S., Tamiru, A., Chiriboga Morales, X., Nyagol, D., Cheruiyot, D., Chidawanyika, F., Subramanian, S., Midega, C.A., Bruce, T.J. and Khan, Z.R. (2022). Bioactive volatiles from Push-Pull companion crops repel fall armyworm and attract its parasitoids. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10.
  39. Ndayisaba, P.C., Kuyah, S., Midega, C.A.O., Mwangi, P.N. and Khan, Z.R. (2022). Push-pull technology improves carbon stocks in rainfed smallholder agriculture in Western Kenya. Carbon Management, 13(1), pp.127-141.
  40. Cheruiyot, D., Chidawanyika, F., Midega, C.A.O., Pittchar, J.O., Pickett, J.A., and Khan, Z,R, (2022) Field evaluation of a new third generation push-pull technology for control of striga weed, stemborers, and fall armyworm in western Kenya. Experimental Agriculture doi:10.1017/S0014479721000260.
  41. Cheruiyot D., Chiriboga X., Chidawanyika F., Bruce T.J.A., Khan Z.R. (2021) Potential roles of selected forage grasses in management of fall armyworm ( Spodoptera frugiperda ) through companion cropping. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 169: 966-974.
  42. Chiriboga Morales X., Tamiru A., Sobhy I. S., Bruce T. J. A., Midega C. A. O. Khan Z. (2021) Evaluation of African maize cultivars for resistance to fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. Plants (Basel) 10, 392. http://doi.org/310.3390/plants10020392.
  43. Drinkwater, L. E., Midega, C. A.O., Awuor, R., Nyagol, D., Khan, Z.R. 2021. Perennial legume intercrops provide multiple belowground ecosystem services in smallholder farming systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 320 (2021) 107566. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107566.
  44. Scheidegger, L., Niassy, S., Midega, C., Chiriboga, X., Delabays, N., Lefort, F., Zürcher, R., Hailu, G., Khan, Z. and Subramanian, S. (2021).The role of Desmodium intortum, Brachiaria sp. and Phaseolus vulgaris in the management of Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) in maize cropping systems in Africa. Pest Management Science 77: 2350–2357.
  45. Ndayisaba, P. C., Kuyah, S., Midega, C. A. O., Mwangi, P. N., & Khan, Z. R. (2021). Intercropping desmodium and maize improves nitrogen and phosphorus availability and performance of maize in Kenya. Field Crops Research, 263, 108067.
  46. Mudereri, B. T., Abdel-Rahman, E. M., Dube, T., Niassy, S., Khan, Z.R., Tonnang, H. E., & Landmann, T. (2021). A two-step approach for detecting Striga in a complex agroecological system using Sentinel-2 data. Science of The Total Environment, 762, 143151.
  47. Hailu, G., Niassy, S., Bässler, T., Ochatum, N., Studer, C., Salifu, D.,Khan Z.R., Midega CAO., & Subramanian, S. (2021). Could fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) invasion in Africa contribute to the displacement of cereal stemborers in maize and sorghum cropping systems. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 1-10.
  48. Ndayisaba, P. C., Kuyah, S., Midega, C. A. O., Mwangi, P. N., & Khan, Z. R. (2020). Push-pull technology improves maize grain yield and total aboveground biomass in maize-based systems in Western Kenya. Field Crops Research, 256, 107911.
  49. Njeru, N. K., Midega, C. A. O., Muthomi, J. W., Maina, J., & Wagacha, Z. R. K. (2020). In vitro antifungal activity of Desmodium intortum and D. uncinatum root extracts against growth of toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus 14(12):1942-1948.
  50. Njeru, N. K., Midega, C. A., Muthomi, J. W., Wagacha, J. M., & Khan, Z. R. (2020). Impact of push–pull cropping system on pest management and occurrence of ear rots and mycotoxin contamination of maize in western Kenya. Plant Pathology, 69(9), 1644-1654.
  51. Cheruiyot, D., Midega, C. A., Pittchar, J. O., Pickett, J. A., & Khan, Z. R. (2020). Farmers’ Perception and Evaluation of Brachiaria Grass (Brachiaria spp.) Genotypes for Smallholder Cereal-Livestock Production in East Africa. Agriculture, 10(7), 268.
  52. Mudereri, B. T., Dube, T., Niassy, S., Kimathi, E., Landmann, T., Khan, Z., & Abdel-Rahman, E. M. (2020). Is it possible to discern Striga weed (Striga hermonthica) infestation levels in maize agro-ecological systems using in-situ spectroscopy?. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 85, 102008
  53. Tamiru A., Paliwal R., Manthi S.J., Odeny D.A., Midega C.A.O., Khan Z.R., Pickett J.A. and Bruce T.J.A. 2020. Genome wide association analysis of a stemborer egg induced “call-for-help” defence trait in maize. Scientific Reports 10, 11205.
  54. Murage, A. W., Pittchar, J. O., Midega, C. A. O., Onyango, C. O., Pickett, J. A., & Khan, Z. R. (2019). Gender appropriateness of field days in knowledge generation and adoption of push-pull technology in eastern Africa. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 83(4), 289-306/
  55. Pickett J.A., Midega C.A.O., Pittchar J. and Khan Z. R. (2019) Removing constraints to sustainable food production: new ways to exploit secondary metabolism from companion planting and GM. Pest Management Science, http://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5508
  56. Mutyambai D.M., Bass E., Luttermoser T., Poveda K., Midega C.A.O., Khan Z.R. and Kessler A. (2019) More than “Push” and “Pull”? Plant–soil feedbacks of maize companion cropping increase chemical plant defenses against herbivores. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 217. http://doi.org/210.3389/fevo.2019.00217
  57. Tolosa, T. A., Tamiru, A., Midega, C. A., Van Den Berg, J., Birkett, M. A., Woodcock, C. M., .Kelemu S. Pickett J.. & Khan, Z. R. (2019). Molasses Grass Induces Direct and Indirect Defense Responses in Neighbouring Maize Plants. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45(11-12), 982-992., http://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5508
  58. Mudereri B.T., Dube T., Abdel-Rahman E.M., Niassy S., Kimathi E., Khan Z. and Landmann T. (2019) A comparative analysis of PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 space-borne sensors in mapping striga weed using Guided Regularised Random Forest classification ensemble. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W13, 701–708.

  59. Njeru N.K., Midega C.A.O., Muthomi J.W., Wagacha J.M. and Khan Z.R. (2019) Influence of socioeconomic and agronomic factors on aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination of maize in western Kenya. Food Science & Nutrition, doi: 10.1002/fsn1003.1070.
  60. Rhett D.H., Thierfelder C., Baudron F., Chinwada P., Midega C.A.O., Schaffner U. and van den Berg J. (2019) Agro-ecological options for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith) management: Providing low-cost, smallholder friendly solutions to an invasive pest. Journal of Environmental Management 243, 318–330

  61. Khan, Z. R., Pittchar, J. O., Midega, C. A., & Pickett, J. A., 2018., Push-Pull Farming System Controls Fall Armyworm: Lessons from Africa. Outlooks on Pest Management, 29(5), 220-224.
  62. Owuor, M. J., Midega, C. A. O., Obonyo, M., & Khan, Z. R.,2018. Impact of companion cropping on incidence and severity of maize ear rots and mycotoxins in Western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(41), 2224-2231.
  63. Cheruiyot D., Midega C.A.O., Van den Berg J., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2018. Genotypic Responses of Brachiaria Grass (Brachiaria spp.) Accessions to Drought Stress. J. Agron., 17: 136-146.
  64. Cheruiyot D., Midega C.A.O., Van den Berg J., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2018. Genotypic response of brachiaria (Urochloa spp.) to spider mite (Oligonychus trichardti) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and adaptability to different environments. Field Crops Research 225, 163-169
  65. Hailu, G., Saliou N., Khan Z.R., Ochatum, N., and Sevgan S., 2018. Maize–Legume Intercropping and Push–Pull for Management of Fall Armyworm, Stemborers, and Striga in Uganda. Agron. J. 0. doi:10.2134/agronj2019.02.0110
  66. Cheruiyot D., Midega C.A.O., Van den Berg J., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2018. Suitability of brachiaria grass (Brachiaria spp.) as a trap crop for management of Chilo partellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 166, 139–148. doi: 110.1111/eea.12651
  67. Chepchirchir R., Macharia I., Murage A.W., Midega C.A.O. and Khan Z.R., 2018. Ex-post economic analysis of push-pull technology in Eastern Uganda.Crop Protection 112, 356-362
  68. Nyang’au, I. M., Kelboro, G., Hornidge, Anna-K., Midega, C.A.O. and Borgemeister, C., 2018. Transdisciplinary Research: Collaborative Leadership and Empowerment Towards Sustainability of Push–Pull Technology. Sustainability, 10(7), 2378; http://doi.org/10.3390/su10072378
  69. Ogot N.O., Pittchar J.O., Midega C.A.O. and Khan Z. R., 2018. Attributes of push-pull technology in enhancing food and nutrition security. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security 6, 229–242.
  70. Ogot N.O., Pittchar J.O., Midega C.A.O. and Khan Z.R., 2018. Implication of livestock rearing on advancing household food security and nutrition: A study of Push-pull technology and livestock production. EC Nutrition 13, 374–387.
  71. Kassie M., Stage J., Diiro G., Muriithi B., Muricho G., Ledermann S.T., Pittchar J. O., Midega C. and Khan Z., 2018. Push-pull farming system in Kenya: Implications for economic and social welfare. Land Use Policy 77, 186–198.
  72. Midega, C.A.O., Pittchar, J.O., Pickett, J.A., Hailu, G.W., Khan, Z.R., 2018. A climate-adapted push-pull system effectively controls fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith), in maize in East Africa. Crop Protection 105, 10–15.
  73. Wakesho, G.,Pitchar, J.,Midega, CAO., Khan, Z.R., (2018). An assessment of effectiveness of participatory video and drama in enhancing learning of “climate-smart” push-pull technology: a case study of butere and vihiga farmers in western Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 6(2), 109-115.
  74. Chepchirchir R., Macharia I., Murage A.W., Midega C.A.O. and Khan Z.R., 2017 . Impact assessment of push–pull technology on incomes, productivity and poverty among smallholder households in Eastern Uganda. Food Security, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp 1359–1372
  75. Wambua L., Schneider B., Okwaro A., Wanga J.O., Imali O., Wambua P.N., Agutu L., Olds C., Jones C.S., Masiga D., Midega C., Khan Z., Jores J. and Fischer A., 2017 Development of field-applicable tests for rapid and sensitive detection of Candidatus Phytoplasma oryzae. Molecular and Celluar Probes 35, 44–56. doi: 10.1016/j.mcp.2017.1006.1004
  76. Tamiru, A.,Khan, Z.R., 2017.Volatile Semiochemical Mediated Plant Defense in Cereals: A Novel Strategy for Crop Protection. Agronomy, 7(3), 58; doi:10.3390/agronomy7030058
  77. Owuor, M.J., Midega C.A.O.,Obonyo, M., and Khan, Z.R.,2017. Distribution of Aspergillus and Fusarium ear rot causative fungi in soils under push-pull and maize monocropping system in Western Kenya.African Journal of Microbiology Research 11(37), 1411-1421 DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2017.8685
  78. Wanga, J.O., Agutu, L.O., Adam J.O., Owuor M.J., Genga G., Midega C.A.O., Khan Z.R., 2017. Qualitative Distribution of Candidatus Phytoplasma Oryzae in Roots, Stems and Leave of Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum).Journal of Natural Sciences Research 7:20.
  79. Ogot, N.O., Pittchar J.O., Midega C.A.O.,Khan Z.R., 2017.Impact of push-pull technology on the nutritional status of farmers’ children in western Kenya. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev; 17(4): 12953-12974.
  80. Wamalwa, N.I.E., Midega, C.A.O., Ajanga, S., Omukunda, N.E., Muyekho, F.N., Asudi, G.O., Mulaa, M., Khan, Z.R., 2017. Screening Napier grass accessions for resistance to Napier grass stunt disease using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA (LAMP). Crop Protection 98,61-69
  81. Tamiru, A., Bruce, T.J.A., Richter, A., Woodcock, C.M., Midega, C.A.O., Degenhard, J., Kelemu, S., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2017. A maize landrace that emits defense volatiles in response to herbivore eggs possesses a strongly inducible terpene synthase gene. Ecology and Evolution 7(8):2835-2845. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2893
  82. Hailu, G., Khan, Z.R., Pittchar,J.O., Ochatum, N.,2017.Radio and mobile ownership or access by smallholder farmers of eastern Uganda and its potential use for push-pull technology dissemination.Int. J. Agr. Ext. 05 (02)19-28
  83. Hailu, G., Khan, Z.R., Pittchar,J.O., Ochatum, N.,2017.Assessing the radio programming and potential role of preferred by farmers radio stations to disseminate agricultural technologies in eastern uganda.Int. J. Agr. Ext. 05 (02)29-42
  84. Midega, C.A.O., Wasonga, C.J., Hooper, A.M., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2017. Drought-tolerant Desmodium species effectively suppress parasitic striga weed and improve cereal grain yields in western Kenya. Crop Protection 98, 94-101
  85. Pickett, J.A. and Khan, Z.R., 2016. Plant volatile-mediated signalling and its application in agriculture: successes and challenges. New Phytologist 212: 856–870 doi: 10.1111/nph.14274
  86. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Hooper, A.,Pickett, J.A., 2016 Push-Pull: Chemical Ecology-Based Integrated Pest Management Technology. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42, (7) 689 – 697.
  87. Midega, C.A.O., Murage, A.W., Pittchar, J.O., Khan, Z.R., 2016. Managing storage pests of maize: Farmers' knowledge, perceptions and practices in western Kenya. Crop Protection 90, 142-149
  88. Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A., Hooper, A., Pittchar, J.O., Khan, Z.R., 2016. Maize landraces are less affected by Striga hermonthica relative to hybrids in western Kenya. Weed Technology 30, 21-28
  89. Fischer, A., Santa-Cruz, I., Wambua, L., Olds, C., Midega, C.A.O., Dickinson, M., Kawicha, P., Khan, Z.R., Masiga, D., Jores, J., Schneider, B., 2016. Draft genome sequence of "Candidatus Phytoplasma oryzae" strain Mbita1, the causative agent of Napier grass stunt disease in Kenya. Genome Announcements 4, e00297-00216. doi:00210.01128/genomeA.00297-00216.
  90. Hao, B., Caulfield, J.C., Hamilton, M.L., Pickett, J.A., Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., Wang, J., Hooper, A.M., 2016. Biosynthesis of natural and novel C-glycosylflavones utilising recombinant Oryza sativa C-glycosyltransferase (OsCGT) and Desmodium incanum root proteins. Phytochemistry 125, 73–87.
  91. Mutyambai, D.M., Bruce, T.J.A., van den Berg, J., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2016. An indirect defence trait mediated through egg-induced maize volatiles from neighbouring plants. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158744. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158744
  92. Asudi, G.O., Midega, C.A.O., Van den Berg, J., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2016. The significance of Napier grass stunt phytoplasma and its transmission by the leafhopper species Maiestas banda (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) to cereals and sugarcane. Journal of Phytopathology 164,(6) 378–385.
  93. Asudi G.O., Van den Berg J., Midega C.A.O., Schneider B., Seemueller E., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R.,2016. Detection, identification and significance of phytoplasmas in wild grasses in East Africa. Plant Disease, 100(1), 108-115
  94. Midega C.A.O., Bruce T.J.A., Pickett J.A., Pittchar J. O., Murage A. and Khan Z. R., 2015 Climate-adapted companion cropping increases agricultural productivity in East Africa. Field Crops Research 180, 118 –125.
  95. Midega C.A.O., Bruce T.J.A., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2015.Ecological management of cereal stemborers in African smallholder agriculture through behavioral manipulation. Ecological Entomology, 40 (Suppl. 1), 70–81.
  96. Asudi G.O., Van den Berg J., Midega C.A.O., Pittchar J., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2015 Napier grass stunt disease in East Africa: Farmers’ perspectives on disease management. Crop Protection. 71, 116-124.
  97. Rodenburg J., Cissoko M., Kayeke J., Dieng I., Khan Z.R., Midega C.A.O., Onyuka E.A. and Scholes J.D.,2015 Do NERICA rice cultivars express resistance to Striga hermonthica(Del.) Benth. and Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze under field conditions? Field Crops Research 170, 83–94.
  98. Hooper A. M., Caulfield J. C., Bing Hao, Pickett J., Midega C. and Khan Z. R. Isolation and identification of Desmodium root exudates from drought tolerant species used as intercrops against Striga hermonthica. Phytochemistry 117, 380–387.
  99. Murage A. W., Pittchar J.O., Midega C.A.O., Onyango C.O. and Khan Z.R.,2015. Gender specific perceptions and adoption of the climate-smart Push-pull technology in eastern Africa. Crop Protection 76, 83-91.
  100. Mutyambai D.M., Bruce T.J.A., Midega C.A.O., Woodcock C.M., Caulfield J.C., van den Berg J., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2015. Responses of parasitoids to volatiles induced by Chilo partellus oviposition on teosinte, a wild ancestor of maize. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41, 323–329. DOI 10.1007/s10886-015-0570-1 (This paper was the cover page for the Journal of Chemical Ecology, Vol. 41, Issue 4).
  101. Murage A.W., Midega C.A.O., Pittchar J.O., Pickett J.A. and Khan Z.R., 2015. Determinants of adoption of climate smart push–pull technology for enhanced food security through integrated pest management in eastern Africa. Food Security 7, 709–724. doi: 10.1007/s12571-015-0454-9.
  102. Tamiru A., Bruce T. J. A., Woodcock C. M., Birkett M. A., Midega C. A. O., Pickett J. A. and Khan Z. R.,2015.Chemical cues modulating electrophysiological and behavioural responses in the parasitic wasp Cotesia sesamiae. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93, 281–287. doi:10.1139/cjz-2014-0266.
  103. Tamiru A., Khan Z.R. and Bruce T.J.A. (2015) New directions for improving crop resistance to insects by breeding for egg induced defence. Current Opinion in Insect Science, doi:10.1016/j.cois.2015.02.011
  104. Mutyambai D.M., Midega C.A.O., Bruce T.J.A., Berg J., Pickett J.A., Khan Z.R., 2014. Behaviour and biology of Chilopartellus on maize landraces. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 153:170–181. (First runner up of 2014 GC Scholar Prize for the best published science paper) .
  105. Chidawanyika, F., Midega, C.A.O., Bruce, T.J.A., Duncan, F., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2014. Oviposition acceptance and larval development of Chilo partellus stemborers in drought-stressed wild and cultivated grasses of East Africa. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 151, 209–217
  106. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Pittchar, J., Pickett, J.A., 2014. Push-Pull: A Novel IPM Strategy for the Green Revolution in Africa, In Peshin, R. and Pimentel, D. (Eds.), Integrated Pest Management Experiences with Implementation, Global Overview,4:585.
  107. Pickett, J.A., Hooper, A.M., Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., 2013. Allelopathy, In Joel, D., Gressel, J, Musselman, J. (Eds.). Parasitic Orobanchaceae: Parasitic Mechanisms and Control Strategies. pp 459-467. Springer. 513 pp.
  108. Midega, C.A.O, Jonsson, M., Khan, Z.R., Ekbom, B., 2014. Effects of landscape complexity and habitat management on stemborer colonization, parasitism and damage to maize. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 188:289–293
  109. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Nyang’au, I.M., Murage, A.W., Pittchar, J., Agutu, L., Amudavi, D.M., Pickett, J. A., 2014. Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of the stunting disease of Napier grass in western Kenya. Plant Pathology 63, 1426–1435
  110. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O. , Pittchar, J., Murage, A.W. , Birkett, M.A., Bruce, T.J., Pickett, J.A., 2014. Achieving food security for one million sub-Saharan African poor through push–pull innovation by 2020. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 369 20120284; doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0284
  111. Pickett, J.A., Aradottír, G.I., Birkett, M.A., Bruce, T.J., Hooper,A.M., Midega,C.A.O., Jones,H.D., Matthes,M.C., Napier,J.A., Pittchar,J., Smart,L.E., Woodcock,C.M., Khan, Z.R., 2014. Delivering sustainable crop protection systems via the seed: exploiting natural constitutive and inducible defence pathways Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.,369 20120281; doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0281
  112. Pickett, J.A., Christine, M.W., Midega, C.A., Khan, Z.R., 2014. Push–pull farming systems.Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 26:125 – 132
  113. Midega, C.A., Salifu D., Bruce, T.J., Pittchar, J., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2014. Cumulative effects and economic benefits of intercropping maize with food legumes on Striga hermonthica infestation.Field Crops Research 155: 144-152
  114. Midega, C.A., Pittchar, J., Salifu, D., Pickett, J.A., and Khan, Z.R., 2013. Effects of mulching, N-fertilization and intercropping with Desmodium uncinatum on Striga hermonthica infestation in maize. Crop Protection 44: 44–49
  115. Magalhães, D.M., Borges, M., Laumann, R.A., Sujii, E.R., Mayon, P., Caulfield, J.C., Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Birkett, M.A., Blassioli-Moraes, M.C., 2012. Semiochemicals from herbivory induced cotton plants enhance the foraging behavior of the cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38: 1528-1538
  116. Kifuko-Koech, M., Pypers, P., Okalebo, J.R., Othieno, C.O., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Kipkoech, A.K., Vanlauwe, B., 2012. The impact of Desmodium spp. and cutting regimes on the agronomic and economic performance of Desmodium–maize intercropping system in western Kenya. Field Crops Research 137: 97–107
  117. Midega, C.A.O., Nyang’au, I.M., Pittchar, J., Birkett, M.A., Pickett, J.A., Borges, M., Khan, Z.R., 2012. Farmers’ perceptions of cotton pests and their management in western Kenya. Crop Protection 42: 193-201
  118. Murage, A.W., Obare, G., Chianu, J., Amudavi, D.M., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2012: The Effectiveness of Dissemination Pathways on Adoption of “Push-Pull” Technology in Western Kenya. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 51:1, 51-71.
  119. Lebesa, L.N., Khan, Z.R., Kruger, K., Bruce, T.J.A, Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A, 2012. Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of blister beetles, Hycleus spp. (Coleoptera: Meloidae), as pest herbivores of Desmodium legumes in Western Kenya. International Journal of Pest Management 58: 165-174.

  120. Tamiru, A., Bruce, T., Midega, C.A.O, Woodcock, C.M., Birkett, M., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2012. Oviposition-induced volatile emissions from African smallholder farmers’ maize varieties. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38: 231-234.

  121. Pickett, J.A., Gudbjorg, A., Birkett, M., Bruce, T., Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Smart, L., Woodcock, C.M., 2012. Aspects of insect chemical ecology: exploitation of reception and detection as tools for deception of pests and beneficial insects. Physiological Entomology 37:2-9.

  122. Obura, E., Masiga, D., Midega, C.A.O., Otim, M., Wachira, F., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2011. Hyparrhenia grass white leaf disease, associated with a 16SrXI phytoplasma, newly reported in Kenya. New Disease Reports 24: 17.

  123. Koji, S., Fujinuma, S., Midega, C.A.O., Mohamed, H.M., Ishikawa, T., Wilson, M.R., Asche, M., Degelo, S., Adati, T., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2012. Seasonal abundance of Maiestas banda (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a vector of phytoplasma, and other leafhoppers and planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) associated with Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) in Kenya. Journal of Pest Science 85: 37-46.

  124. Tamiru, A., Bruce, T.J.A., Woodcock, C.M., Caulfield, J.C., Midega, C.A.O., Ogol, C.K.P.O., Mayon, P., Birkett, M.A., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2011. Maize landraces recruit egg and larval parasitoids in response to egg deposition by a herbivore. Ecology Letters 14: 1075–1083. (The winner of 2011 GC Scholar Prize for the best published science paper )

  125. Murage, A. W., Obare, G., Chianu, J., Amudavi, D. M., Pickett, J. and Khan, Z. R. 2011. Duration analysis of technology adoption effects of dissemination pathways: A case of ‘Push–Pull’ technology for control of Striga weeds and stemborers in Western Kenya. Crop Protection. 30: 531-538. (First runner up of 2011 GC Scholar Prize for the best published science paper )

  126. Lebesa, L.N., Khan, Z.R., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., Bruce, T.J.A., Skeller, M.N., Krüger, K., 2011. Responses of the blister beetle Hycleus apicicornis to visual stimuli. Physiological Entomology 36: 220-229 (Second runner up of 2011 GC Scholar Prize for the best published science paper )

  127. Khan, Z., Midega, C., Pittchar, J., Pickett, J and Bruce, T. 2011. Push–pull technology: a conservation agriculture approach for integrated management of insect pests, weeds and soil health in Africa. UK government’s Foresight Food and Farming Futures Project. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9: 162-170.

  128. Obura, E., Masiga, D., Wachira, F., Gurja, B. and Khan, Z. R. 2011. Detection of phytoplasma by loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA (LAMP).;Journal of Microbiological Methods 84: 312–316.

  129. Odhiambo, J. A., Vanlauwe, B., Tabu, I. M., Kanampiu, F. and  Khan, Z. R., 2011. Effect of intercropping maize and soybeans on Striga hermonthica parasitism and yield of maize. Arch. Phytopath. Plant Protection. 44: 158–167.

  130. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Nylin, S., 2011. Host plant selection behaviour of Chilo partellus and its implication for effectiveness of a trap crop. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 138, 40–47.

  131. Murage, A.W., Amudavi, D.M., Obare, G., Chianu, J., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2011. Determining smallholder farmers' preferences for technology dissemination pathways: the case of 'push-pull' technology in the control of stemborer and striga weeds in Kenya. International Journal of Pest Management 57: 133-145. (The winner of 2010 GC Scholar Prize for the best published science paper )

  132. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Bruce, T.J.A., Hooper, A.M., Pickett, J.A., 2010. Exploiting phytochemicals for developing a ‘push–pull’ crop protection strategy for cereal farmers in Africa. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 4185–4196

  133. Pickett, J.A., Hamilton, M.L., Hooper, A.M., Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., 2010. Companion Cropping to Manage Parasitic Plants. Annual Review of Phytopathology 48: 161-177.

  134. De Groote, H., Vanlauwe, B., Rutto, E., Odhiambo, G., Kanampiu, F., Khan, Z.R., 2010. Economic analysis of different options in integrated pest and soil fertility management in maize systems of Western Kenya. Agricultural Economics 41: 471 - 482.

  135. De Groote, H., Rutto, E., Odhiambo, G., Kanampiu, F., Khan, Z., Coe, R., & Vanlauwe, B. (2010). Participatory evaluation of integrated pest and soil fertility management options using ordered categorical data analysis. Agricultural Systems, 103(5), 233-244.

  136. Hooper, A.M., Tsanuo, M.K., Chamberlain, K., Tittcomb, K., Scholes, J., Hassanali, A., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., 2010. Isoschaftoside, a C-glycosylflavonoid from Desmodium uncinatum root exudate, is an allelochemical against the development of Striga. Phytochemistry 71: 904–908.

  137. Bruce, T.J.A., Midega, C.A.O., Birkett, M.A., Pickett, J.A., Khan, Z.R., 2010. Is quality more important than quantity? Insect behavioral responses to changes in a volatile blend after stemborer oviposition on an African grass. Biology Letters 6: 314–317.

  138. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., Amudavi, D.A., Pittchar, J. and Pickett, J.A., 2010. Integrated management of Striga hermonthica and cereal stemborers in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.), through intercropping with Desmodium intortum. International Journal of Pest Management 56: 145–151

  139. Obura, E., Masiga, D., Midega, C.A.O., Wachira, F., Pickett, J.A., Deng, A.L. and Khan, Z.R., 2010. First report of a phytoplasma associated with Bermuda grass white leaf disease in Kenya. New Disease Reports 21: 23.

  140. Khan, Z. R., Midega, C. A. O., Wanyama, J. M., Amudavi, D. M., Hassanali, A., Pittchar, J., and Pickett, J.A., 2009. Integration of edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) into the push–pull technology developed for stemborer and striga control in maize-based cropping systems. Crop Protection 28: 997-1006.

  141. Amudavi, D.M., Khan, Z.R., Wanyama, J.M., Midega, C.A.O., Pittchar, J., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., 2009. Evaluation of farmers’ field days as a dissemination tool for push–pull technology in Western Kenya. Crop Protection 28: 225–235.

  142. Amudavi, D.M., Khan, Z.R., Wanyama, J.M., Midega, C.A.O., Pittchar, J., Nyangau, I.M., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., 2009. Assessment of technical efficiency of farmer teachers in the uptake and dissemination of push–pull technology in Western Kenya. Crop Protection 28: 987-996.

  143. Obura, E., Midega, C.A.O., Masiga, D., Pickett, J.A., Hassan,  M. , Koji, S., Khan, Z.R., 2009. Recilia banda Kramer (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a vector of Napier stunt phytoplasma in Kenya. Naturwissenschaften 96: 1169-1176

  144. Weisskopf, L., Akello, P., Milleret, R., Khan, Z. R., Schulthess, F., Gobat, J. and Le Bayon, R., 2009. White lupin leads to increased maize yield through a soil fertility-independent mechanism: a new candidate for fighting Striga hermonthica infestation? Plant and Soil 319: 101-114

  145. Hooper, A.M., Hassanali, A., Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z., Pickett, J.A. 2009. New genetic opportunities from legume intercrops for controlling Striga spp. parasitic weeds. Pest Management Science 65: 546–552

  146. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., Van den Berg, J., Ogol, C.K.P.O., Bruce, T.J., Pickett, J.A., 2009. Non-target effects of the ‘push–pull’ habitat management strategy: Parasitoid activity and soil fauna abundance. Crop Protection 28: 1045–1051.

  147. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Amudavi, D.M., Njuguna, E.M, Wanyama, J.W., Pickett, J.A., 2008. Economic performance of the 'push-pull' technology for stemborer and striga control in smallholder farming systems in western Kenya. Crop Protection 27: 1084-1097

  148. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Amudavi, D.M., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., 2008. On-farm evaluation of the 'push-pull' technology for the control of stemborers and striga weed on maize in western Kenya. Field Crops Research 106: 224-233.

  149. Khan, Z.R., Amudavi, D.M., Midega, C.A.O., Wanyama, J.W., Pickett, J.A., 2008. Farmers' perceptions of a 'push-pull' technology for control of cereal stemborers and striga weed in western Kenya. Crop Protection 27: 976-987.

  150. Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Hassanali, A., Hooper, A., Midega, C.A.O., 2008. Desmodium for controlling African witchweed: present and future prospects. Weed Research 48:302-306

  151. Hassanali, A., Herren, H., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Woodcock, C.M., 2008. Integrated pest management: the push–pull approach for controlling insect pests and weeds of cereals, and its potential for other agricultural systems including animal husbandry. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 363: 611-621.

  152. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., van den Berg, J., Ogol, C.K.P.O, Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S., Pickett, J.A.,  Wadhams, L.J., 2008. Response of ground dwelling arthropods to a ‘push-pull’ system and Bt-maize: spiders as an indicator group. Journal of Applied Entomology 132: 248-254

  153. Midega, C.A.O., van den Berg, J., Khan, Z.R., 2008. Potential role of habitat management in control of the spotted maize beetle, Astylus atromaculatus (Coleoptera: Melyridae) in maize under subsistence farming conditions in South Africa. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 24: 188-191.

  154. Vanlauwe, B., Kanampiu, F., Odhiambo, G.D., De Groote, H., Wadhams, L., Khan, Z.R., 2008. Integrated management of Striga hermonthica, stemborers, and declining soil fertility in Western Kenya. Field Crops Research 107: 102-115.

  155. Khan, Z.R., James, D.G., Midega, C.A.O., Pickett, J.A., 2008. Chemical ecology and conservation biological control. Biological Control 45: 210-224.

  156. Cook, S.M., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., 2007. The use of ‘push-pull’ strategies in integrated pest management. Annual Review of Entomology 52: 375-400.

  157. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., 2007. Assessment of Different Legumes for the Control of Striga hermonthica in Maize and Sorghum. Crop Science 47:730-734

  158. Koji, S., Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., 2007. Field boundaries of Panicum maximum as a reservoir for predators and a sink for Chilo partellus. Journal of Applied Entomology 131:186–196

  159. Mohamed, H. M., Khan, Z. R., Mueke, J. M., Hassanali, A., Kairu, E., & Pickett, J. A. (2007). Behaviour and biology of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. infested and uninfested maize plants. Crop Protection, 26(7), 998-1005.

  160. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Wadhams, L.J., Pickett, J.A., Mumuni, A., 2007. Evaluation of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum ) varieties for use as trap plants for the management of African stemborer (Busseola fusca) in a push-pull strategy. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 124: 201-211.

  161. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Hutter, N.J., Wilkins, R.M. , Wadhams, L.J., 2006. Assessment of the potential of Napier grass Pennisetum purpureum Schumach varieties as trap plants for management of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 119:15-22

  162. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., van den Berg, J., Ogol, C.K.P.O., Pickett, J.A., 2006. Maize stemborer predator activity under ‘push-pull’ system and Bt-maize: A potential component in managing Bt resistance. International Journal of Pest Management 52:1-10

  163. Khan, Z. R., Pickett, J. A., Wadhams, L. J., Hassanali, A., & Midega, C. A. (2006). Combined control of Striga hermonthica and stemborers by maize–Desmodium spp. intercrops. Crop Protection, 25(9), 989-995.

  164. Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Toshova, T., Wadhams, L.J., 2006. Diel periodicity in the production of green leaf volatiles by wild and cultivated host plants of stemborer moths, Chilo partellus and Busseola fusca. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:565-577.

  165. Kalule, T., Khan, Z.R., Bigirwa, G., Alupo, J., Okanya, S., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., 2006. Farmers’perceptions of importance, control practices and alternative hosts of maize stemborers in Uganda. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 26: 71-77.

  166. Birkett, M.A., Chamberlain, K., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Toshova, T., Wadhams, L.J., Woodcock, C.M., 2006. Electrophysiological responses of the lepidopterous stemborers Chilo partellus and Busseola fusca to the volatiles from wild and cultivated host plants. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 2475-2487

  167. Khan, Z.R., Midega, C.A.O., Hassanali, A., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., Wanjoya, A., 2006. Management of witchweed, Striga hermonthica, and stemborers in sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, through intercropping with greenleaf desmodium, Desmodium intortum. International. Journal of Pest Management 52: 297-302

  168. Gohole, L.S., Overholt, W.A., Khan, Z.R., Vet, L.E.M., 2005. Close-range host searching behavior of the stemborer parasitoids Cotesia sesamiae and Dentichasmias busseolae: influence of a non-host plant Melinis minutiflora. Journal of Insect Behaviour 18: 149-169.

  169. Midega, C.A.O., Khan, Z.R., van den Berg, J., Ogol, C.K.P.O., 2005. Habitat management and its impact on maize stemborer colonisation and crop damage levels in Kenya and South Africa. African Entomology 13: 333-340

  170. Mohamed, H.M., Khan, Z.R., Overholt, W.A., Elizabeth, D.K., 2004. Behaviour and biology of Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on maize and wild gramineous plants. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 24: 287-297.

  171. Gohole, L.S., Overholt, W.A., Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Vet, L.E.M., 2003. Effects of molasses grass, Melinis minutiflora volatiles on the foraging behaviour of the cereal stemborer parasitoid, Cotesia sesamiae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29: 713-727.

  172. Gohole, L.S., Overholt, W.A., Khan, Z.R., Vet, L.E.M., 2003. Role of volatiles emitted by host and non-host plants in the foraging behaviour of Dentichasmias busseolae, a pupal parasitoid of the spotted stemborer Chilo partellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107: 1-9

  173. Midega, C., Khan, Z.R., 2003. Habitat management system and its impact on diversity and abundance of maize stemborer predators in western Kenya. Insect Science and Applications 23: 301-308
  174. Tsanuo, M.K., Hassanali, A., Hooper, A.M., Khan, Z.R., Kaberia, F., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., 2003. Isoflavanones from the allelopathic aqueous root exudates of Desmodium uncinatum. Phytochemistry 64: 265-273.

  175. Khan, Z. R., Hassanali A., Pickett J. A., Wadhams L. J. and Muyekho F., 2003. Strategies for control of cereal stemborers and striga weed in maize-based farming systems in eastern africa involving ‘Push-Pull’ and allelopathic tactics, respectively. African Crop Science Society 6: 602-608

  176. Khan, Z.R., Hassanali, A., Khamis, T.M., Overholt, W.A., Hooper, A.M., Pickett, J.A., Wahams, L.J., Woodcock, C.M., 2002. Control of the witchweed, Striga hermonthica, by intercropping with Desmodium spp., and the mechanism defined as allelopathic. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28: 1871-1885.

  177. Kfir, R., Overholt, W.A., Khan, Z.R., Polaszek, A., 2002. Biology and management of economically important cereal stem borers in Africa. Annual Review of Entomology 47: 701-31.

  178. Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L., Muyekho, F., 2001. Habitat management for the control of cereal stem borers in maize in Kenya. Insect Science and Applications 21: 375-380.

  179. Khan, Z.R., Pickett, J.A., van den Berg, J., Wadhams, L.J., Woodcock, C.M., 2000. Exploiting chemical ecology and species diversity: Stemborer and striga control for maize and sorghum in Africa. Pest Management Science 56: 957–962.

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  182. Khan, Z.R., Saxena, R.C., 1997. Use of surrogate ‘stem’ for eliciting ovipositional response of Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 1426-1429.

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